I'm Emily and I've been a lifelong curious mover. The better half of my life has been spent teaching others - sharing the transformative power of mindful and joyful movement.

My background and education are eclectic and that is reflected in the creative and open way I like to approach teaching.  Whether working with you one-on-one on your strength goals, guiding a group class through creative movement exercises, or teaching pole dance techniques - my teaching is grounded in the interaction between structure and play.

I started my teaching career at the age of 14 - teaching Irish step dancing to the younger students at my dance academy in Ventura, CA. I went on to get my degree in Kinesiology from Occidental College while simultaneously immersing myself in different movement practices - Pilates, yoga, dance, and eventually circus arts and pole dance.  Teaching Pilates since 2010 and pole dance since 2013, I made the big move to open my own business - Full Circle Brooklyn - A Pole Dance & Movement Space in September of 2021

As a teacher I am intuitive and insightful about individual needs, and aim to foster strength, safety, and creativity in all my students.


My Philosophy

I offer my students a uniquely attentive eye and an intuitive understanding that we each learn differently. As an instructor I strive to meet each student exactly where they are at - none of us fit into a mold!

Perhaps you're here because you simply want to get some exercise, build a bit more flexibility, or find a way to destress while working from home. Great! My classes will offer you access to those simple goals.

But I believe movement has the potential to be so much more.

Moving your body is a revolutionary, restorative, communal and spiritual. We live in a world that has placed so many physical and psychological restrictions on our movements based on perceived ideas civility. We are restricted by the conditioning of our minds and bodies in a society that has taught us that only certain ways of moving in the world are "polite", "respectable", "desirable", or "normal.”

When we learn to move outside of these norms - especially in ways that are strong, expressive, sensual, or weird - we grow and flourish. Our moods shift, we create new neural patterns, and our perspectives change.

Moving your body is profound and healing. It is a powerful tool in your evolution. And movement is accessible to everyone regardless of ability. The simplest and most subtle of exercises or activities can be the most powerful.

every body deserves freedom of movement

What People Are Saying


"Emily Sanderson is one of the best instructors I've ever known. Not only is she is a creative and captivating mover with great mechanics and musicality, she's professional, and personable. You can't go out and find teachers like Emily. Really. She is uniquely awesome in all the classes she teaches"

— Marlo Fisken, Pole Artist and Movement Teacher. Creator of Flow Movement


"Emily is not only beautifully creative, she KNOWS her stuff inside and out. Her knowledge of the body and the way it is built to move is insightful and incredibly helpful to further your progress on any journey that you are on - whether it is pole fitness or general well-being. I have been working with Emily online for Flexibility privates. Emily not only customizes each class to help me reach my personal goals, but has the most attentive eye - seeing literally the most subtle of adjustments."

— Jane Fish, Pole and Flexibility Instructor


“Emily is both a passionate teacher and student. As a teacher, she is wise and compassionate, inspiring and generous, and motivating and playful. As a student, she has a hunger to learn, explore, and discover. Although she has a vast skill set and range of abilities, she is not addicted to competence, and has the willingness and humility to put herself in the uncomfortable position of being a beginner. Emily is a treasure to teach and be taught by, and I feel fortunate to have crossed paths with her.”

— Kyle Fincham, Founder & Facilitator Movement Brooklyn




APC 2nd place

USPDF 2nd place